El menu de hoy!
Ramen Salchichón
🍴 Comienza picando salchichón, jamón, 1/2 cebolla blanca, cilantro/recao, y comienza a hacer una pasta de ajo.
🍴 Para hacer la pasta de ajo, licúa 1 taza de dientes de ajo con recao y aceite.
🍴 Lleva una olla a fuego medio y saltea el salchichón y el jamón picado.
🍴 Luego, añade la cebolla picada, 3 cucharadas de sofrito, 2 cucharadas de pasta de ajo y 1/2 taza de salsa de tomate. Mezcla bien por 5 minutos y añade 1 cucharadita de adobo, 1 cucharadita de orégano y sazón. Agrega 1/4 taza de vino tinto y cocina a fuego lento por 5 minutos.
🍴 Añade mazorcas de maíz, papas picadas, zanahorias y maduros, seguido de 4 tazas de caldo de pollo y 2 tazas de agua. Añade sal al gusto y un puñado de recao y cilantro.
🍴 Lleva a ebullición y cocina tapado a fuego medio-bajo por 20-25 minutos. Destapa y agrega 1 paquete de ramen. Cocina por 3-5 minutos.
🍴 Disfruta con un huevo frito y aguacate.
Exchange-traded option markets, with live quotes and tradable prices, are more transparent than many related markets. This affords visibility into related markets that are more opaque, including securities lending, dividend forecasts, and credit markets.
Options prices reflect forward-looking, market-based views of volatility, including the short term such as earnings announcements, and the long term such as company and sector forecasts and the anticipated fundamental credit worthiness of a firm.
The listed options markets are a rich source for market expectations. With their liquidity and transparency, the options markets provide a forward-looking measure of a number of market conditions – from borrowing costs and dividend expectations, to the relationship between equity and credit markets.
Cboe Hanweck Trading Indicators deliver a unique set of derived analytics in a concise and readily accessible real-time data feed that can inform trading and risk decisions beyond options trading.
Market Expectations
Options prices move quickly in response to participant expectations and behavior. For example, market makers in options must adjust pricing in response to borrow pricing they receive from the collateral markets, or they face arbitrage or hedging losses as they transact with other informed participants. Similarly, as expectations of future dividends change, it is quickly reflected in the options markets.